Ship of fools
The Ship of Fools is a video graphic diptych that closes the film trilogy on sub-Saharan immigration in Europe, started with Moi. a Noir, Reloaded and continued with Unfolding Penelope. If Moi, an noir. Reloaded focused on the lives of the immigrants once in Europe and Unfolding Penelope on the lives of women who remain in their home country during the migration process of their husbands, now The Ship of Fools is centred on the trip itself.
The first video The Ship of Fools establishes a visual and conceptual parallel between the ships full of immigrants that no port wishes, the image of Hyeronimus Bosch with the same title and the text Madness and Civilization of M. Foucault. The journey of immigrants is presented as a permanent loop on itself. Thus, remaining in the liminal space of water. The migratory trip itself. presented as a division and as a ritual of passage that turns the emigrant into symbol of permanent exclusion.
Hook a Boat critically addresses the landscape drawn by the relationship between the over-living of Western citizens and the survival of immigrants trying to reach Europe.